
Teeth Pain Treatment

When to See a Dentist

If in doubt, check it out.

Book an appointment to see a dentist as soon as possible if:

  • The pain lasts longer than a day or two
  • The pain is severe or starts to become unbearable
  • You have a fever, earache, or pain when you open your mouth wide

Are you in tooth Pain?

Call us if you’re experiencing pain and need emergency dental care. We’ll get you in to see us fast for an urgent appointment.

Teeth Grinding Treatment

Symptoms of Tooth Pain

Toothache refers to any pain or distress experienced in or around a tooth. There are diverse forms of pain, making it challenging to convey your sensations to the dentist effectively. The discomfort can range from mild to severe, throbbing, sharp, or persistent.

Sometimes, pressure on the tooth is the sole means to perceive the pain. Furthermore, your teeth may exhibit heightened sensitivity to extreme temperatures. Discomfort while chewing is also quite common.

Additional indications may comprise migraines, elevated body temperatures, and gum inflammation near the tooth or within the jaw. Furthermore, gum or tooth bleeding may occur. In the case of an infection, unpleasant-tasting fluid might be discharged from the surrounding area of the tooth.

Causes of Toothache

Dental and medical problems can also result in toothaches. Your teeth, gums, or jaw may be involved in dental pain reasons. The following are the most typical causes of toothaches that our dentists see daily:

Occasionally, discomfort may stem from a broken filling, tooth sensitivity, or an abscess. Similarly, toothaches can be caused by gingivitis or gum disease, although some individuals may not experience pain. Toothaches can also be induced by other pain radiating to the jaw, known as referred pain. The temporomandibular joint (TMJ), commonly called the jaw joint, is one such location. Earaches, sinus infections, shingles, and, on rare occasions, heart conditions are additional medical conditions that can result in toothaches.

Get Prepared

When you schedule a toothache appointment at one of our dental offices, you only want the pain to stop. It makes sense that way. Consider what your dentist will require to identify and treat your toothache in advance.

Usually, your dentist will ask you about your medical history before performing a comprehensive oral, dental, jaw, tongue, throat, sinus, ear, nose, and neck examination. Depending on what your dentist thinks might be the reason for your toothache, you might also require an X-ray.

  • When did your toothache start?
  • How severe is the pain?
  • Where do you feel the pain?
  • What makes it worse?
  • What makes it better?

Before your appointment, consider your responses to these questions. Preparation can improve the diagnosis.

Related Treatments:

To identify the source of your toothache, your dentist will thoroughly inspect your mouth. You might require one of these typical therapies:

What Next

Explore possible treatments to gain further insight into the next steps. We recommend arranging a dental appointment for comprehensive guidance on your concerns.


01. How much does it cost to treat toothache?
The expense of toothache treatment can vary depending on the underlying cause. It is recommended to seek an evaluation from a dentist to assess the toothache, as it may indicate a more significant issue. The dentist will diagnose the source of the problem and provide information on treatment costs. When booking online, select the option for a toothache or emergency appointment.
02. Why is toothache so bad?
Toothache differs significantly from other bodily pains. It can be highly intense, quickly escalating in severity. Numbing dental pain can be challenging as teeth’s nerves solely respond to stimulation with pain, lacking sensitivity to heat, cold, or touch. Moreover, numerous neurological connections exist between teeth and the brain’s pain centre.
03. Why is toothache worse at night?
Toothaches can be intensified at night due to oral nerve stimulation. This stimulation activates the brain, keeping one alert and potentially making it harder to fall asleep. Also, late-night eating can exacerbate toothache pain, particularly with scorching, cold, sweet, acidic, or starchy foods. The absence of distractions at night may make the pain feel more pronounced while lying down can increase blood flow to the head, further intensifying sensitivity in the mouth and worsening toothaches.
04. What are the best painkillers for toothache?
Anti-inflammatory pain relievers like ibuprofen are typically the most helpful, as swelling is frequently the source of toothaches. If you are unable to take ibuprofen, paracetamol can be beneficial. Paracetamol doesn’t lessen inflammation; instead, it blocks nerve signals to the brain. Rash and fever can be reduced by aspirin. However, taking aspirin if you’ve had a tooth knocked out or need to have a tooth pulled is not advised due to its ability to lessen blood clotting. You shouldn’t put an aspirin tablet directly on the achy tooth. It contains acid and could cause the gum to burn. When you go to the dentist, they may prescribe stronger medications than those you can get in a pharmacy without a prescription.
05. Help! It's sore but I'm anxious about visiting the dentist!
We understand. Most people afraid of going to the dentist have had a negative experience. Relax. Our kind and sympathetic dentists are sympathetic to your feelings. The best thing to do is to let us know how you’re feeling, whether you’re nervous or concerned about enduring more pain or the potential cost of the therapy. It is part of our responsibility to make you feel at ease.
06. Can toothache be prevented?
Yes. Taking proper care of your oral health can significantly lower your risk of developing a toothache. That entails a mix of at-home dental care and developing a fantastic rapport with your dentist. We advise adopting daily healthy behaviours and going to the dentist frequently. Practice proper oral hygiene routines at home, such as brushing your teeth twice daily and flossing once daily, for the best oral health. Schedule a yearly appointment with your dentist for a routine exam and x-rays.
07. Can toothache go away on its own?
Dental pain or sensitivity can be intermittent, indicating a transient inflammatory response in the tooth. However, this temporary relief is short-lived. A dentist must receive a correct diagnosis to prevent further damage and relieve long-term pain. The expertise and evaluation of a dentist are necessary to determine the source of the pain and provide appropriate care.
08. How do you stop toothache at home?
If your discomfort is mild, you can take a few measures before seeing your dentist. Applying an ice pack to the affected area and taking painkillers can provide temporary relief. Some individuals suggest using topical anesthetics or clove oil on the tooth. Gargling with warm salt water is also worth trying. However, if the pain worsens quickly, it indicates an underlying issue. That’s why visiting a dentist for a checkup is essential, even if you experience temporary pain relief.